
Archives pour la catégorie ‘Tutoriel’


13/08/2021 Comments off


Vous le savez maintenant, les sauvegardes sont indispensables… Sauvegardes. Nécessaires, mais facile à oublier, sauf si elles sont effectuées automatiquement.

Voici un tutorial qui décrit la procédure pour mettre en place une solution de sauvegarde automatique simple basée sur rsnapshot.

Rsnapshot est un script écrit en perl.

Il utilise Rsync (et ssh si vous le souhaitez) pour effectuer des sauvegardes à intervalle régulier.

Il est capable de réaliser des sauvegardes d’un systèmes de fichier ou bien de bases de données par l’intermédiaire de scripts.

Un des principaux avantages de rsnapshot est son extrême simplicité.

rsnapshot utilise les « hard link unix » pour :

  • Éviter de dupliquer inutilement les fichiers.
  • Faciliter la restauration.

rsnapshot crée l’illusion de plusieurs sauvegardes complètes, alors qu’il n’y a sur le système de fichier que la première et les différences éventuelles apparues entre cette dernière et les suivantes. Il s’agit d’une méthode de sauvegarde différentielle.

Dans ce tuto nous allons vous expliquer comment mettre en place la sauvegarde différentielle sécurisée d’un répertoire d’une machine distante.

Prérequis: Configuration de SSH et des clefs

Vous devez pouvoir vous connecter aux machines auxquelles vous allez vous connecter sans mot de passe:

Tout d’abord, il faut configurer ssh et importer la clef du serveur distant.

Je vais procéder comme dans ce tuto


root@nas:~# ssh -p 10122 vanille
Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 14 09:42:28 UTC 2011 x86_64

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Thu Aug 11 08:07:48 2011 from

Installation de rsnapshot

root@nas:~# apt-get install rsnapshot

Qui vous installera par la même occasion Rsync

Sauvegarde du fichier de configuration:

root@nas:~# cp /etc/rsnapshot.conf /etc/rsnapshot.conf.sos

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Sauvegarde journalisée de votre machine avec RSnapShot

13/08/2021 Comments off

Source: Nicolargo

Ce logiciel libre permet d’automatiser une sauvegarde journalisée de vos machines et ceci localement comme à distance.

RSnapShot est disponible dans la plupart des dépôts des distributions GNU/Linux et *BSD. Nous allons illustrer cet article avec une installation et une configuration de RSnapShot sur un serveur Gandi sous Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

Installation de RSnapShot

On utilise la version disponible dans les dépôts officiels:

sudo aptitude install rsnapshot

Configuration de RSnapShot

L’ensemble de la configuration est centralisé dans le fichier /etc/rsnapshot.conf.

sudo vi /etc/rsnapshot.conf

Attention à la syntaxe dans ce fichier, RSnapShot est assez pointilleux. Il veut que tout les répertoires finissent par un / et des tabulations entre chaque variables.

Les variables importantes à configurer sont les suivantes:

snapshot_root   /.snapshots/

La variable snapshot_root permet de configurer le répertoire racine ou les sauvegardes seront stockées. Ce répertoire peut être sur le même disque que le disque système (c’est le cas de la configuration par défaut avec l’utilisation du répertoire /.snapshots/).

Je vous conseille pour ma part d’utiliser si possible un répertoire stocké sur un deuxième disque physique. Par exemple sur mon serveur Gandi, j’ai un deuxième disque qui est monté sur le répertoire /srv/backup. Je vais donc configurer la variable à /srv/backup/snapshots/ (noter le / à la fin du répertoire !).

Exemple: snapshot_root /srv/backup/snapshots/

cmd_ssh /path/to/ssh

Si vous voulez utiliser les fonctions de sauvegarde de serveur distant (en utilisant le protocole SSH), il faut dé-commenter la ligne précédente. Si vous avez besoin de passer des arguments spécifique à SSH, il faudra compléter la ligne ssh_args.

Exemple: cmd_ssh /usr/bin/ssh

interval monthly 3

Activation de la sauvegarde mensuelle (désactivé par défaut).

On passe ensuite aux variables permettant de configurer ce que l’on veut sauvegarder.

Sauvegardes locales

On parle ici d’une sauvegarde journalisée de répertoires de la machine ou RSnapShot est installé.

backup /home/ localhost/

Le répertoire /home/ sera sauvegardé dans le sous répertoire $snapshot_root/localhost/.


backup /home/ localhost/
backup /etc/ localhost/
backup /var/svn/ localhost/

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Using Bash Arrays with Examples

12/08/2021 Comments off

bash-scripting-32-638Arrays can be a useful tool when coding your bash scripts.  The simplest way that I can define an array is to state that an array is a variable for a multi-instance dataset.

For example, a variable is used when there is a single value from a dataset like the IP Address of a server.  However, an array can be used to store all of the IP Addresses in your server room.

Speaking of IP Addresses and bash arrays, my last article (Detect and Block WordPress Brute Force Login Attacks) includes a script which is an example of how an array can be used in bash scripting.

Because arrays can be so useful in bash scripting, I thought that I would put together the following article detailing ways of Using Bash Arrays with Examples.

Initializing Bash Arrays or Assigning Values to Arrays

For arrays to be useful, we need to be able to assign values to them.  We assign values to an array by listing the array along with its instance number as shown below.  This method will assign each instance of the array one by one.


# Display all instances of the array
echo ${myarray[*]}

We can see above that in addition to being able to assign the values one by one, we can reference all array instances with an asterisk (*).  Another way to display all instances of the array is to use the following “echo ${myarray[@]}”

We run the script and get:

$ ./
Hello World, Happy Friday

We can also retrieve individual instances of an array by specifying the individual array instance number.  We modify the above script slightly to retrieve a couple of the instances.


# Display all instances of the array
echo ${myarray[0]} ${myarray[4]}

We run the script again and we get:

$ ./
Hello Friday

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Categories: Système, Tutoriel Tags: , , ,

Securing your server with iptables

12/08/2021 Comments off

Securing your server with iptables

securing your server linuxIn the Getting Started guide, you learned how to deploy a Linux distribution, boot your Linode and perform some basic administrative tasks. Now it’s time to harden your Linode to protect it from unauthorized access.

Update Your System–Frequently

Keeping your software up to date is the single biggest security precaution you can take for any operating system–be it desktop, mobile or server. Software updates frequently contain patches ranging from critical vulnerabilities to minor bug fixes, and many software vulnerabilities are actually patched by the time they become public.

Automatic Security Updates

There are opposing arguments for and against automatic updates on servers. Nonetheless, CentOS, Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu can be automatically updated to various extents. Fedora’s Wiki has a good breakdown of the pros and cons, but if you limit updates to those for security issues, the risk of using automatic updates will be minimal.

The practicality of automatic updates must be something which you judge for yourself because it comes down to what you do with your Linode. Bear in mind that automatic updates apply only to packages sourced from repositories, not self-compiled applications. You may find it worthwhile to have a test environment which replicates your production server. Updates can be applied there and reviewed for issues before being applied to the live environment.

Add a Limited User Account

Up to this point, you have accessing your Linode as the root user. The concern here is that roothas unlimited privileges and can execute any command–even one that could accidentally break your server. For this reason and others, we recommend creating a limited user account and using that at all times. Administrative tasks will be done using sudo to temporarily elevate your limited user’s privileges so you can administer your server without logging in as root.

To add a new user, log in to your Linode via SSH.

CentOS / Fedora

  1. Create the user, replacing example_user with your desired username, and assign a password:
    useradd example_user && passwd example_user
  2. Add the user to the wheel group for sudo privileges:
    usermod -aG wheel example_user

Debian / Ubuntu

  1. Create the user, replacing example_user with your desired username. You’ll then be asked to assign the user a password.
    adduser example_user
  2. Add the user to the sudo group so you’ll have administrative privileges:
    adduser example_user sudo

With your new user assigned, disconnect from your Linode as root:


Log back in to your Linode as your new user. Replace example_user with your username, and the example IP address with your Linode’s IP address:

ssh example_user@

Now you can administer your Linode from your new user account instead of root. Superuser commands can now be prefaced with sudo; for example, sudo iptables -L. Nearly all superuser commands can be executed with sudo, and those commands will be logged to /var/log/auth.log.

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Linux Firewalls Using iptables

10/08/2021 Comments off



Network security is a primary consideration in any decision to host a website as the threats are becoming more widespread and persistent every day. One means of providing additional protection is to invest in a firewall. Though prices are always falling, in some cases you may be able to create a comparable unit using the Linux iptables package on an existing server for little or no additional expenditure.
This chapter shows how to convert a Linux server into:

  • A firewall while simultaneously being your home website’s mail, web and DNS server.
  • A router that will use NAT and port forwarding to both protect your home network and have another web server on your home network while sharing the public IP address of your firewall.

Creating an iptables firewall script requires many steps, but with the aid of the sample tutorials, you should be able to complete a configuration relatively quickly.

What Is iptables?

Originally, the most popular firewall/NAT package running on Linux was ipchains, but it had a number of shortcomings. To rectify this, the Netfilter organization decided to create a new product called iptables, giving it such improvements as:

  • Better integration with the Linux kernel with the capability of loading iptables-specific kernel modules designed for improved speed and reliability.
  • Stateful packet inspection. This means that the firewall keeps track of each connection passing through it and in certain cases will view the contents of data flows in an attempt to anticipate the next action of certain protocols. This is an important feature in the support of active FTP and DNS, as well as many other network services.
  • Filtering packets based on a MAC address and the values of the flags in the TCP header. This is helpful in preventing attacks using malformed packets and in restricting access from locally attached servers to other networks in spite of their IP addresses.
  • System logging that provides the option of adjusting the level of detail of the reporting.
  • Better network address translation.
  • Support for transparent integration with such Web proxy programs as Squid.
  • A rate limiting feature that helps iptables block some types of denial of service (DoS) attacks.

Considered a faster and more secure alternative to ipchains, iptables has become the default firewall package installed under RedHat and Fedora Linux.

Download And Install The Iptables Package

Before you begin, you need to make sure that the iptables software RPM is installed. (See Chapter 6, « Installing Linux Software« , if you need a refresher.) When searching for the RPMs, remember that the filename usually starts with the software package name by a version number, as in iptables-1.2.9-1.0.i386.rpm.

Managing the iptables Server

Managing the iptables daemon is easy to do, but the procedure differs between Linux distributions. Here are some things to keep in mind.

  • Firstly, different Linux distributions use different daemon management systems. Each system has its own set of commands to do similar operations. The most commonly used daemon management systems are SysV and Systemd.
  • Secondly, the daemon name needs to be known. In this case the name of the daemon is iptables.

Armed with this information you can know how to:

  • Start your daemons automatically on booting
  • Stop, start and restart them later on during troubleshooting or when a configuration file change needs to be applied.

For more details on this, please take a look at the « Managing Daemons » section of Chapter 6 « Installing Linux Software »

Note: Remember to configure your daemon to start automatically upon your next reboot.

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