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Split OpenVPN configuration files

14/03/2024 Categories: Réseau, Système Tags: , ,
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Source: npm

Splits OpenVPN (.ovpn) files into separate files for private key, user+ca certificates and tls-auth key, for use with network-manager in debian/ubuntu.

openvpn-config-splitter can be installed using npm:

# NPM:
npm install -g openvpn-config-splitter
# Install globally
$ npm install -g openvpn-config-splitter
# Run it, specifying your unsplit OpenVPN configuration file
$ ovpnsplit path/to/some/config.ovpn
# Config is now split into separate files, new configuration
# linking to the split files has been generated
$ ls path/to/some
ca.crt  client.key  client.ovpn  client.split.ovpn  ta.key  user.crt
var fs = require('fs'),
 configPath = '/some/path/to',
 splitter = require('openvpn-config-splitter');
var paths = {
 'caCert': configPath + '/openvpn-ca.crt',
 'userCert': configPath + '/openvpn-user.crt',
 'privateKey': configPath + '/openvpn-private.key',
 'tlsAuth': configPath + '/openvpn-tls.key'
fs.readFile(configPath + '/config.ovpn', function(err, originalConfig) {
 if (err) {
 console.error('Could not read file (' + err.path + ')');
 splitter.split(originalConfig, paths, function(err, parts, missing) {
 if (err) {
 * `parts` now contain the matched parts of the config + new config
 * (caCert, userCert, privateKey, tlsAuth, config)
 * `missing` is an array containing the parts that were NOT found -
 * use this if you want to warn the user or fall back if you require
 * a specific part to be present
 // Want to write the split files? 
 splitter.writeToFiles(parts, paths, function(err) {
 if (err) {
 console.log('Hooray, we split the files and wrote them to disk!');
Lire aussi:  Filtrer les connexions ssh
Categories: Réseau, Système Tags: , ,
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