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How to log in to MySQL server without password

In order to log in to a MySQL server, you can run mysql command along with your login credentials and ...

How To Use ProxySQL as a Load Balancer for MySQL on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction ProxySQL is an open-source MySQL proxy server, meaning it serves as an intermediary between a MySQL server and the ...

MySQL Cluster Replication: Multi-Master and Circular Replication

Beginning with MySQL 5.1.18, it is possible to use MySQL Cluster in multi-master replication, including circular replication between a number ...

mysqldump: Copy Database Using Shell Pipes

Source: nixCraft How do I use mysqldump command with Unix shell pipes? The mysqldump client is a backup program which ...

Check The Number Of MySQL Open Database Connections on Linux Or Unix-like Server

Source: nixCraft I'm a new MySQL server user. My server is running on a CentOS Linux. How can I check ...

MySQL database replication with Linux

MySQL database replication with LinuxDatabase replication is a technique where a given database is copied to one or more locations, ...

Sauvegarde MySQL

Sauvegarde MySQLPour sauvegarder une base de données (sans et avec compression) :# mysqldump NOM_BASE > NOM_FICHIER # mysqldump NOM_BASE | ...

MySQL – Gestion des binlogs

Par défaut, MySQL stocke chaque requête en écriture dans des fichiers appelés binlogs.Configuration des binlogsPar défaut les binlogs sont conservés ...

MySQL Master / Slave Replication

Source: Uptime Made EasyMaster Slave MySQL Replication SummaryMaster / Slave replication in MySQL is a great way to store an ...

HowTo: Uninstall MySQL Server in Ubuntu Linux

Source: nixCraft I'm a new Ubuntu Linux user and my cloud hosting company installed MySQL server by default. I need ...

Réplication MySQL

Source: Howto MySQL Préparation Prérequis : disposer de deux serveurs MySQL avec un datadir identique Dans le cas où le ...

Réplication MySQL : comment resynchroniser les bases de données ?

Source: ResponsiveMind Vous avez mis en place deux beaux serveurs MySQL avec un système de réplication master-slave qui vous offre ...

Réplication MySQL Master-Slave et Master-Master

Source: ResponsiveMind La réplication d’un base de données permet de disposer du même jeu de données à tout moment sur ...
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