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Administration réseau sous Linux: SSH

Source: Wikilivres SSH signifie Secure SHell. C'est un protocole qui permet de faire des connexions sécurisées (i.e. cryptées) entre un ...

HowTo: Linux Check Password Strength With Cracklib-check Command

Using the same password on different servers allows attackers to access your accounts if cracker manage to steal your password ...

Un petit script de sauvegarde en shell pour vos machines Linux

On ne le répétera jamais assez : faites des sauvegardes ! Et non, ça n’est pas compliqué, oui il existe ...

Linux/Unix: OpenSSH Multiplexer To Speed Up OpenSSH Connections

Source: nixCraft How can I multiplex SSH sessions by setting up a master session and then having subsequent sessions go ...

Un site web sur plusieurs serveurs avec load balancing

En 2014 petit budget ne signifie pas nécessairement configuration bas de gamme et il est assez facile de faire tourner ...

File Permissions ACLs

POSIX Access Control Lists (ACLs) are more fine-grained access rights for files and directories. An ACL consists of entries specifying ...

How to make a bootable OS X 10.10 Yosemite install drive

Source: Macworld Back in the day when we bought OS X on discs, as long as you kept that disc, ...

HowTo : Change Locale (Language and Character Set) in Linux

Locales are used in Linux to define which language and character set (encoding) the user uses. In this article, I'll ...

Ubuntu Tip:How to Connect/disconnect VPN from the command line

Source: This tutorial will explain How to Connect/disconnect VPN from the command line If you want to interact with ...

Utiliser une clé Wifi sur le Raspberry pi

Il existe deux moyens de connecter le Raspberry PI à internet, sois vous utilisez un câble Ethernet, sois une clé ...

Howto: Performance Benchmarks a Webserver

source: nixCraft You can benchmark Apache, IIS and other web server with apache benchmarking tool called ab. Recently I was ...

Comment créer un tunnel SSH inverse

Parfois que nous avons besoin de vous connecter via SSH à un autre ordinateur, nous trouvons que cet ordinateur que ...

8 Practical Examples of Linux Xargs Command for Beginners

The Linux xargs command may not be a hugely popular command line tool, but this doesn't take away the fact that it's extremely ...

How to Disable Webcam / FaceTime Camera on Mac Completely

Source: Some of the more privacy conscious Mac users out there might put tape over their webcam or use apps like Oversight ...

HowTo: The Ultimate Logrotate Command Tutorial with 10 Examples

Managing log files effectively is an essential task for Linux sysadmin. In this article, let us discuss how to perform ...

macOS Boot Option Cheatsheet

To access some specialized Mac features you’ll need to hold down one or more keys during startup. If you’re having ...
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