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How to run sudo command without a password on a Linux or Unix

Source: nixCraft I'm a new Unix system user. How do I use sudo command without a password on a Linux ...

Réalisez un audit sécurité de votre système GNU/Linux facilement

Développé par la même personne derrière le scanner de malware Rkhunter, Lynis est un outil qui va vous permettre de réaliser un audit ...

How to modify an invalid /etc/sudoers file?

Here is what happens: $ sudo visudo >>> /etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 28 <<< sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers ...

Configuration d’un serveur dédié de A à Z

Installation, configuration et administration d'un serveur dédié Ces tutoriaux ont été réalisés sous Debian (versions Etch 4.0 et Lenny 5.0) ...

Bash Shell Loop Over Set of Files

Bash Shell LoopHow do I run shell loop over set of files stored in a current directory or specified directory? ...

OpenVPN Documentation

Source: OpenVPN official documentation OpenVPN daemons (JSON format): ./sacli VPNStatus Show the number of users currently connected to the VPN: ...

Find Duplicate Files (based on size first, then MD5 hash)

Terminal - Find Duplicate Files (based on size first, then MD5 hash) find -not -empty -type f -printf "%s\n" | ...

Split OpenVPN configuration files

Source: npm Splits OpenVPN (.ovpn) files into separate files for private key, user+ca certificates and tls-auth key, for use with ...

Typical iptables

# Modify this file accordingly for your specific requirement. # # 1. Delete all existing rules iptables -F # ...

(D)DoS Deflate

About (D)DoS Deflate is a lightweight bash shell script designed to assist in the process of blocking a denial of ...

How To Use Port Knocking to Hide your SSH Daemon from Attackers on Ubuntu

Introduction Servers, by definition, are implemented as a means of providing services and making applications and resources accessible to users ...

How To Configure Port Knocking Using Only IPTables on an Ubuntu VPS

Source: Introduction Servers that are connected to the internet are subjected to all manners of attacks and probes by ...

Configurer IPTables pour Netfilter sous Debian Squeeze

Qu’est-ce que c’est? IPTables regroupe les lignes de commandes nécessaires à la gestion de Netfilter. Oui mais que fait Netfilter ...

Ignore existing files or update only newer files with rsync

Rsync is a useful command line utility for synchronising files and directories across two different file systems. I recently needed ...

How to change the MAC address of an Ethernet interface

Change the MAC address of an Ethernet interface temporarily Check MAC addresses: $ ifconfig -a | awk '/HWaddr/ {print "Interface: ...

Clone Your Ubuntu installation

If you want to create a system that is similar to a different system you have already set up, it ...
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