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How to Setup Reverse SSH Tunnel on Linux

Reverse SSH is a technique that can be used to access systems (that are behind a firewall) from the outside ...

Watch iptables counters

How to check iptables traffic on the fly? Here are a few commands that can help: watch --interval 0 'iptables ...

Delete files by creation date

source: On the command line, you can use the "find" command to select certain files, and then use the ...

dpkg –set-selections results in “warning: package not in database….”

When you want to restore your packages that you’ve backup-ed with : sudo dpkg --get_selections > selections.txt And when you ...

How to list all installed packages?

To get a list of packages installed locally do this in your terminal: dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall To ...

Mcrypt : Installation

Vous devez compiler PHP avec l'option --with-mcrypt=[DIR] pour activer cette extension. DIR est le dossier d'installation de mcrypt. Assurez-vous de ...

How to enable alt+right click to resize window [duplicate]

Put this in a script and run it: #!/bin/bash gconftool-2 -s -t bool /apps/metacity/general/resize_with_right_button true gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences resize-with-right-button true ...

Basic .htaccess for New Projects

# allows php on html AddType application/x-httpd-php .html # Using this code, instead of having to type in, you ...

A Standard .htaccess File with ExpressionEngine

.htaccess files can be a powerful tool for a developer, that is, as long as they are set up properly ...

Quick Reference Guide For Linux Commands

Linux command shelf is a quick reference guide for all linux user who wish to learn linux commands. Commands are ...

Update locate database on OS X (updatedb)

Source: In order to update "locate" database on OS X, some people suggest create a symlink: sudo ln -s /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb ...

Interdisez l’accès à votre serveur web par pays

Source: En annexe du paramétrage basique de votre serveur web, il se peut que vous soyez confronté à la nécessité ...

How do I Find Out Linux CPU Utilization?

Source: nixCraft Whenever a Linux system CPU is occupied by a process, it is unavailable for processing other requests. Rest ...

WordPress: Se protéger des spams sur les commentaires via un fichier .htaccess

Si vous autorisez vos visiteurs à poster des commentaires sur les articles de votre blog, vous avez certainement fait face ...

Aide-mémoire administrateur Linux

Ce document rappelle les commandes et les options les plus utilisées par l'administrateur d'un système Linux. Il s'agit surtout de ...

Configurer une Freebox pour autoriser une connexion VPN à un routeur DD-WRT

Source: Autour de… Sam Autour de… Sam La question revient assez souvent pour se connecter à distance chez soi au ...
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