
Articles taggués ‘Mac OS X’

Get Lynx for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

14/02/2024 Comments off

Source: OSXdaily


Lynx is a text based command line web browser, it’s relatively popular within unix communities but it also has a variety of general uses too; it’s great if you want to discretely browse the web and read articles at work or school, and developers use lynx frequently to test accessibility and to roughly estimate how spiders or crawlers view a website. Because it only loads text and avoids javascript and images, it’s also lightning fast.

Anyway, after updating to Lion I discovered my previous installation of lynx was not functioning. Thankfully it’s very easy to install a working version with the help of MacPorts.

Installing and Running Lynx in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

For the purpose of this walkthrough, we’re going to keep requirements to a minimum and install lynx through MacPorts, here’s what you’ll need:

Assuming you have now installed Xcode 4.1 and MacPorts 2.0, here’s how to install lynx:

sudo port install lynx

MacPorts will then fetch all the required dependencies including ncurses and zlib, and then proceed to install the lynx browser.

Once it’s finished, just type ‘lynx’ at the command line and it’ll launch as expected. You can then hit “G” to go to a URL, or open one directly from the command line.

This opens, for example:


You then just use the arrow keys and return/enter to navigate around a site.

Lynx is great, enjoy!

Categories: Logiciel Tags: , ,

Add a Recent Items Menu to the Dock

13/02/2024 Comments off

You can add a Recent Items menu to the Mac OS X Dock by using a defaults write command. The default is set to “Recent Applications” but once the Dock item exists you can adjust it to feature other recent items too.

Launch the terminal and enter the following:

defaults write persistent-others -array-add '{ "tile-data" = { "list-type" = 1; }; "tile-type" = "recents-tile"; }'

That needs to all be on a single line, so if you copy and paste it make sure the command is one string.

You will then need to kill the Dock:

killall Dock

Now right-click on the newly appeared Recent Applications Dock item and you can change it to be Recent Applications, Recent Documents, Recent Servers, Favorite Volumes, or Favorite Items.


If you want to remove the Recent Items menu, just drag it out of your Dock.

Categories: Logiciel Tags: , ,

MailRecent (Mail Plugin for Mac OS X)

09/02/2024 Comments off

Source: Gregory F. Welch

Adds « Copy to Recent, » « Move to Recent, » and « Go to Recent » menu items to Apple’s Mail application. These menu items contain dynamically-updated lists of recently used mailboxes. The number of mailboxes kept in the list is determined by the « Number of Recent Items » setting for Documents in the Appearance panel of the OS X System Preferences.




Once installed (see instructions below) as you drag or option-drag a message to a mailbox, that mailbox should then appear under

  • « Copy to Recent » and « Move to Recent » submenus under the « Messages » menu, and
  • a « Go to Recent » submenu under the « Mailboxes » menu.

Similarly if you use Mail’s built-in « Move To » or « Copy To » menus to move a message to a mailbox, that mailbox should then appear in the lists. The recent mailboxes will be sorted alphabetically, the same as OS X does for recent documents. (You can change the sorting behavior using the Terminal application as described below.)

Lire la suite…

Categories: Logiciel Tags: , ,

Un serveur web intégré à OSX

09/02/2024 Comments off

Si vous êtes sous Mac OSX et que vous avez besoin d’un petit serveur HTTP sur le pouce afin de mettre à dispo quelques pages web statiques (pas de PHP, uniquement du HTML), il n’est pas nécessaire d’installer un Nginx ou un Apache.
Il suffit d’ouvrir un terminal et d’entrer la commande suivante :

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

Ensuite, avec votre navigateur sur la machine distante, rendez-vous sur http://IP_DE_LA_MACHINE:8000 (ou localhost:8000 si vous êtes en local) et naviguez dans les répertoires jusqu’à atteindre le fichier HTML que vous souhaitez afficher. A noter que vous pouvez changer le port dans la commande.

Rien de sécurisé là-dedans, donc faites attention, mais l’astuce est toujours bonne à connaitre.


Categories: Logiciel Tags: , , ,

Mac OS X Lion power user keyboard shortcuts

08/02/2024 Comments off

key commands-1 (finder command)

mac_os_x_lioncmd + space ===== highlight menu
cmd + opt + space ===== highlight window
cmd + delete ===== move/go to trash
shfit + cmd + delete ===== empty/clean trash
shfit + opt + cmd + delete =====force/immediate empty trash
cmd + n ===== new finder window
shift + cmd + n ===== new folder
cmd + tab ===== get/view info
opt + cmd + tab ===== show/display inspector
cmd + y/space bar ===== quick look
cmd + e ===== eject volume
cmd + j ===== view options show/display
cmd + k ===== server connect
shift + cmd + a ===== applications folderopen
shift + cmd + c ===== computer folder open
cmd + up arrow ===== enclosing folder open
cmd + f ===== find/search

key commands-2 (text editing)

cmd + left arrow ===== go/move to start/end line
cmd + up arrow ===== go/move to start/end document
opt + left arrow ===== go/move to previous/next word
opt + up arrow ===== go/move to previous/next paragraph
cmd + x ===== cut
cmd + c ===== copy
cmd + v ===== paste
cmd + a ===== select all
cmd + l ===== with selection web search
cmd + y ===== with selection sticky note

key commands-3 (power shortcuts)

opt + cmd + eject ===== sleep
ctrl + cmd + eject ===== restart
ctrl + opt + cmd + eject ===== shut down
shift + ctrl + eject ===== sleep appear/display
ctrl + eject ===== power options dialog

key commands-4 (screen capture)

shift + cmd + 3 ===== screen/appear to file
shift + ctrl + cmd + 3 ===== screen/appear to clipboard
shift + cmd + 4 ===== area to file space to get window
shift + ctrl + cmd + 4 ===== area to clipboard space to get window

key commands-5 (mission control)

ctrl + up arrow ===== mission control view/display

ctrl + down arrow ===== appʼs windows show/display
f11 ===== desktop show/display
f12 ===== dashboard show/display
ctrl + left/right arrow ===== between spaces move
tab ===== windows show/display for next app   then press ctrl + down arrow
spacebar ===== window enlarge under cursor   then press ctrl + up arrow

key commands-6 (keyboard control focus)

ctrl + f2 ===== menu bar focus
ctrl + f3 ===== dock focus
ctrl + f5 ===== window toolbar focus
ctrl + f8 ===== menu bar status icons focus
left, right, up & down arrow ===== navigate 21a9 (return)
esc ===== exit

key commands-7 (switching applications & windows)

cmd + tab ===== advance/go next app
cmd + ` ===== current app’s next window
opt + cmd + d ===== dock hide/show

key commands-8 (universal access display controls)

opt + cmd + 8 ===== zoom feature toggle
opt + cmd + =  ===== zoom in
opt + cmd + – (minus) ===== zoom out
ctrl + opt + cmd + 8 ===== screen reverse

key commands-9 (application commands)

cmd + n ===== new window
cmd + , ===== app preferences
cmd + o ===== open
cmd + h ===== app hide
cmd + w ===== close
opt + cmd + h ===== others hide
cmd + s ===== save
cmd + t ===== fonts panel show/display
shift + cmd + s ===== save as
shift + cmd + c ===== colors panel show/display
cmd + p ===== print
shift + cmd + / ===== help
cmd + q ===== quit/exit
ctrl + cmd + f ===== full screen mode

key commands-10 (startup keys)

opt ===== boot volume choose
opt + cmd + p + r ===== reset pram
cmd + s ===== boot single user mode
cmd + r ===== internet & disk utility recovery
cmd + t ===== go into target disk mode

Categories: Logiciel Tags: ,