
Articles taggués ‘MySQL’

PHP MySQL Benchmark Tool (PMBT v. 0.2)

19/02/2024 Comments off

Source: Reasons Unbeknownst

The old saying “Need is the father of innovation” (or something like that) held true this weekend. I was looking for an easy way to benchmark MySQL for some RAM drive InnoDB experimentation but couldn’t find anything cross platform, user friendly, and created after 2005. So I built an early version of what I was looking for.

This is a very synthetic benchmark for now. In some instances InnoDB is much faster than MyISAM (simultaneous reads/writes) but that doesn’t come across in these results. I’m planning on beefing up the benchmark options in later versions. This tool is currently useful in benchmarking hard drive / RAID performance when using InnoDB. It’s also good for basic my.cnf tweaking. Lire la suite…

Vous avez perdu le mot de passe root de MySQL ?

17/02/2024 Comments off

Que ce soit lors de la première installation ou après la perte du mot de passe principal de MySQL, il est nécessaire de pouvoir modifier le mot de passe administrateur (root) de MySQL.

Pour pouvoir modifier le mot de passe root de MySQL, il faut pouvoir s’y connecter, Or, si vous n’avez pas le mot de passe root actuel, vous vous retrouvez alors dans une situation kafkaïenne. Si vous connaissez le mot de passe actuel de MySQL et que vous souhaitez juste changer le mot de passe root, vous pouvez sauter cette étape ! Lire la suite…

Requête SQL pour trouver les doublons d’une table MySQL

11/02/2024 Comments off

Comment trouver les doublons d’une table avec une requête SQL dans une base de données MySQL ?

Pour vérifier la présence ou l’absence de doublon dans une colonne d’une table MySQL, il existe une reqûete SQL permettant d’éviter de lire « manuellement » les données.

Compter les valeurs et trouvers les comptes supérieur à 1

SELECT COUNT( nom) , nom
FROM  `Matable`

L’exécution de cette requête affichera les noms présents plus d’une fois dans le domaine.

Categories: Bases de données Tags: ,

How to reset the administrator password in ISPConfig 3 ?

10/02/2024 Comments off


If you lost your ISPConfig 3 administrator password, you can reset it with the following SQL query.

UPDATE sys_user SET passwort = md5(‘admin’) WHERE username = ‘admin’;

The SQL query sets the password to “admin” for the user “admin”, it has to be executed in the ISPConfig mysql database, e.g. with phpmyadmin. If you dont have phpmyadmin installed, then the query can be executed with the mysql commandline utility as well:

Login to the mysql database.

mysql -u root -p

and enter the password of the mysql root user. To switch to the ISPConfig database, run this command:

use dbispconfig;

Now execute the SQL command:

UPDATE sys_user SET passwort = md5(‘admin’) WHERE username = ‘admin’;

and close the mysql shell:


Monitoring Ubuntu Desktops and Servers Using Monit

08/02/2024 Comments off

monit is a utility for managing and monitoring, processes, files, directories and devices on a UNIX system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.

Monit Features

  • Daemon mode – poll programs at a specified interval
  • Monitoring modes – active, passive or manual
  • Start, stop and restart of programs
  • Group and manage groups of programs
  • Process dependency definition
  • Logging to syslog or own logfile
  • Configuration – comprehensive controlfile
  • Runtime and TCP/IP port checking (tcp and udp)
  • SSL support for port checking
  • Unix domain socket checking
  • Process status and process timeout
  • Process cpu usage
  • Process memory usage
  • Process zombie check
  • Check the systems load average
  • Check a file or directory timestamp
  • Alert, stop or restart a process based on its characteristics
  • MD5 checksum for programs started and stopped by monit
  • Alert notification for program timeout, restart, checksum, stop resource and timestamp error
  • Flexible and customizable email alert messages
  • Protocol verification. HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, NNTP, SSH, DWP,LDAPv2 and LDAPv3
  • An http interface with optional SSL support to make monit accessible from a webbrowser

Lire la suite…