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Websync, web interface to manage your rsync tasks

20/04/2024 Categories: Logiciel, Système Tags: , , ,
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tasks_tabRsync is a great tool to replicate, sync some data on your computer. And I’m heavily relying on it to backup my server and to mirror some opensource projects and GNU/Linux Distributions.

But I’ve recently found a Web interface to manage all my rsync tasks called websync.

Websync is a web based rsync task manager where you can add, edit, clone, remove, scheduled,…. your rsync tasks while being able to have a remote host as source or destination of the task (With SSH RSA key too)

Under the free license MIT, Websync has been developped by Sander Struijk and is still actively being maintained, as you can see on github forum. But it is still an early project, so if you face any issue, make sure to report them on the issue tracker.

Interested to give it a shot, here is how to install Websync!


You will first need to install node.js

1) Install nodejs and npm

– If you use Ubuntu, simple run (as root)

In root, run,

npm install -g bower
npm install -g gulp
3) Clone the git repository into the folder of your choice.

This time, you need to run these commands with your regular user.

You should now be able to access to your Websync instance through http://YourIP:3000

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Categories: Logiciel, Système Tags: , , ,
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