
Articles taggués ‘monitoring’

Monitoring Your Network And Servers With Observium

31/03/2024 Comments off



You have a problem while monitoring your servers, switches or physical machines. Observium fits your need. As a free monitoring system, it helps you to monitor your servers remotely. It is an auto-discovering SNMP based network monitoring platform written in PHP which includes support for a wide range of network hardware and operating systems including Cisco, Windows, Linux, HP, NetApp and many other. I will give you the steps to follow while setting up an Observium server on Ubuntu 12.04.


Currently there are two different versions of observium.
  • The observium Community is a free tool and licensed under the QPL Open Source license. This version is the best solution for small deployments. It gets security updates each 6 months.
  • While the second version, the Observium Professional is distributed under SVN based release mechanism. And it gets daily security updates. This tool is the best for Service Provider and enterprises deployments.

For more information you can visit the offcial website of Observium.

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Monitor your MySql replication database

26/03/2024 Comments off

how-to-monitor-mysql-replicationYou have configured your MySql replication, next step is to perform maintenance and monitor your replication. Percona Toolkit for MySQL is a collection of advanced command-line tools to perform a variety of MySQL server and system tasks.

The Percona Toolkit allows you to amongst many tasks to verify MySQL replication integrity, efficiently archive rows, find duplicate indexes, summarize MySQL servers, analyze queries from logs and tcpdump, collect vital system information when problems occur.

To get started you need to install Percona Toolkit, I’m using Ubuntu as an OS on my servers, installing the percona toolkit was straight forward

apt-get install percona-toolkit

To get a summary of your databases use the command – pt-mysql-summary

pt-mysql-summary --u=username --p=password

Next you would want to setup a heartbeat table in your database so you can Monitor MySQL replication delay – for that you will use the pt-heartbeat command.

pt-heartbeat -D wpslavedb --create-table --ask-pass --check --master-server-id 1

You can find the manual for the options here.

pt-heartbeat measures replication lag on a MySQL or PostgreSQL server. You can use it to update a master or monitor a replica. mk-heartbeat depends only on the heartbeat record being replicated to the slave, so it works regardless of the replication mechanism. It works at any depth in the replication hierarchy; for example, it will reliably report how far a slave lags its master’s master’s master.

Start daemonized process to update test.heartbeat table on master:

  pt-heartbeat -D wpslavedb --update -h master-server --daemonize --ask-pass

Monitor replication lag on slave:

  pt-heartbeat -D wpslavedb --monitor -h slave-server --ask-pass
  pt-heartbeat -D wpslavedb --monitor -h slave-server --dbi-driver Pg --ask-pass

Check slave lag once and exit (using optional DSN to specify slave host):

  pt-heartbeat -D wpslavedb --check h=slave-server --ask-pass

If the replication hierarchy is “master -> slave1 -> slave2” with corresponding server IDs 1, 2 and 3, you can:

  pt-heartbeat --daemonize -D wpslavedb --update -h master --ask-pass
  pt-heartbeat --daemonize -D wpslavedb --update -h slave1 --ask-pass

Then check (or monitor) the replication delay from master to slave2:

  pt-heartbeat -D wpslavedb --master-server-id 1 --check slave2 --ask-pass

Or check the replication delay from slave1 to slave2:

  pt-heartbeat -D wpslavedb --master-server-id 2 --check slave2 --ask-pass

if you developing and writing SQL statements, this command is very useful pt-query-digest – Analyze MySQL queries from logs, processlist, and tcpdump

  pt-query-digest slow.log    // requires you to have slow query logged enabled

There are other tools Percona Toolkit, these that I shown is what I find useful for my monitoring and maintenance.

If you want to find out the best MySQL configuration for your application, you can head over to Percona’s website they have a MySql wizards.


Configuration d’un serveur dédié de A à Z

17/03/2024 Comments off

Installation, configuration et administration d’un serveur dédié

debianCes tutoriaux ont été réalisés sous Debian (versions Etch 4.0 et Lenny 5.0) mais peuvent être transposés à d’autres distributions Linux, notamment Ubuntu. Ils sont applicables aux serveurs dédiés 1&1, Dedibox, OVH, Amen, et bien d’autres.

warning Tous les tutoriaux sont basés sur un serveur nommé pour lequel nous disposons d’un utilisateur dew et d’un accès root (super-administrateur), chacun avec leur propre mot de passe.

Nous partons de l’idée d’obtenir un serveur web avec tout ce qu’il faut pour héberger plusieurs domaines et sites. Vous pouvez tout configurer à la main ou bien faire confiance à un panel d’administration.

Liste complète sans panel web

idee Ces tutoriaux conviennent à l’installation complète d’un serveur

  1. Première connexion : SSH, accès root et bases
  2. Apache et PHP : le serveur web
  3. MySQL : les bases de données
  4. Proftpd : le serveur FTP
  5. Postfix : le serveur mail POP3 et SMTP
  6. Sauvegarde automatique : avec backup-manager et export FTP
  7. Sécurisation : les règles de base, un firewall avec iptables, fail2ban…
  8. Bind : exécuter le serveur DNS en chroot
  9. Monitoring : garder un oeil sur son serveur grâce à monit et logwatch
  10. Roundcube : un webmail léger et rapide

Liste complète avec panel d’administration DTC


idee Si vous choisissez d’installer le panel d’administration DTC, suivez ces tutoriels. DTC se chargera de la configuration du reste des services.

  1. Première connexion : SSH, accès root et bases
  2. Bind : exécuter le serveur DNS en chroot
  3. Sécurisation : les règles de base, un firewall avec iptables, fail2ban…
  4. Panel DTC : pour installer et gérer les services web, ftp, mysql, e-mail, dns…
  5. Monitoring : garder un oeil sur son serveur grâce à monit et logwatch
  6. Sauvegarde automatique : backup-manager et export FTP
  7. Roundcube : un webmail léger et rapide

Attention : nous préconisons désormais l’utilisation du panel ISPConfig, en lieu et place du panel DTC. Il est tout aussi simple à installer et à utiliser. Veuillez vous référer à sa documentation.

20 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know

21/02/2024 Comments off

monitoring toolsNeed to monitor Linux server performance? Try these built-in command and a few add-on tools. Most Linux distributions are equipped with tons of monitoring. These tools provide metrics which can be used to get information about system activities. You can use these tools to find the possible causes of a performance problem. The commands discussed below are some of the most basic commands when it comes to system analysis and debugging server issues such as:

  1. Finding out bottlenecks.
  2. Disk (storage) bottlenecks.
  3. CPU and memory bottlenecks.
  4. Network bottlenecks.

#1: top – Process Activity Command

The top program provides a dynamic real-time view of a running system i.e. actual process activity. By default, it displays the most CPU-intensive tasks running on the server and updates the list every five seconds.

top-output-269x300Commonly Used Hot Keys

The top command provides several useful hot keys:

Hot KeyUsage
tDisplays summary information off and on.
mDisplays memory information off and on.
ASorts the display by top consumers of various system resources. Useful for quick identification of performance-hungry tasks on a system.
fEnters an interactive configuration screen for top. Helpful for setting up top for a specific task.
oEnables you to interactively select the ordering within top.
rIssues renice command.
kIssues kill command.
zTurn on or off color/mono

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MySQL – Monitorer le port 3306

04/02/2024 Comments off

Pour faire le monitoring du port 3306 sous Linux il suffit d’utiliser la commande :

tcpdump  -i eth0 -nN -vvv -xX  -s 1500  port 3306

s représente la longueur du paquet.