
Articles taggués ‘backup’

Websync, web interface to manage your rsync tasks

20/04/2024 Aucun commentaire


tasks_tabRsync is a great tool to replicate, sync some data on your computer. And I’m heavily relying on it to backup my server and to mirror some opensource projects and GNU/Linux Distributions.

But I’ve recently found a Web interface to manage all my rsync tasks called websync.

Websync is a web based rsync task manager where you can add, edit, clone, remove, scheduled,…. your rsync tasks while being able to have a remote host as source or destination of the task (With SSH RSA key too)

Under the free license MIT, Websync has been developped by Sander Struijk and is still actively being maintained, as you can see on github forum. But it is still an early project, so if you face any issue, make sure to report them on the issue tracker.

Interested to give it a shot, here is how to install Websync!

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Categories: Logiciel, Système Tags: , , ,

How to Backup Linux? 15 rsync Command Examples

20/04/2024 Aucun commentaire

Source: TheGeekStuff

rsync-commandrsync stands for Remote SYNC.

rsync is used to perform the backup operation in UNIX / Linux.

rsync utility is used to synchronize the files and directories from one location to another in an effective way. Backup location could be on local server or on remote server.

Important features of rsync

  • Speed: First time, rsync replicates the whole content between the source and destination directories. Next time, rsync transfers only the changed blocks or bytes to the destination location, which makes the transfer really fast.
  • Security: rsync allows encryption of data using ssh protocol during transfer.
  • Less Bandwidth: rsync uses compression and decompression of data block by block at the sending and receiving end respectively. So the bandwidth used by rsync will be always less compared to other file transfer protocols.
  • Privileges: No special privileges are required to install and execute rsync


$ rsync options source destination

Source and destination could be either local or remote. In case of remote, specify the login name, remote server name and location.
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Categories: Système Tags: , , , ,

Configuration d’un serveur dédié de A à Z

17/03/2024 Comments off

Installation, configuration et administration d’un serveur dédié

debianCes tutoriaux ont été réalisés sous Debian (versions Etch 4.0 et Lenny 5.0) mais peuvent être transposés à d’autres distributions Linux, notamment Ubuntu. Ils sont applicables aux serveurs dédiés 1&1, Dedibox, OVH, Amen, et bien d’autres.

warning Tous les tutoriaux sont basés sur un serveur nommé pour lequel nous disposons d’un utilisateur dew et d’un accès root (super-administrateur), chacun avec leur propre mot de passe.

Nous partons de l’idée d’obtenir un serveur web avec tout ce qu’il faut pour héberger plusieurs domaines et sites. Vous pouvez tout configurer à la main ou bien faire confiance à un panel d’administration.

Liste complète sans panel web

idee Ces tutoriaux conviennent à l’installation complète d’un serveur

  1. Première connexion : SSH, accès root et bases
  2. Apache et PHP : le serveur web
  3. MySQL : les bases de données
  4. Proftpd : le serveur FTP
  5. Postfix : le serveur mail POP3 et SMTP
  6. Sauvegarde automatique : avec backup-manager et export FTP
  7. Sécurisation : les règles de base, un firewall avec iptables, fail2ban…
  8. Bind : exécuter le serveur DNS en chroot
  9. Monitoring : garder un oeil sur son serveur grâce à monit et logwatch
  10. Roundcube : un webmail léger et rapide

Liste complète avec panel d’administration DTC


idee Si vous choisissez d’installer le panel d’administration DTC, suivez ces tutoriels. DTC se chargera de la configuration du reste des services.

  1. Première connexion : SSH, accès root et bases
  2. Bind : exécuter le serveur DNS en chroot
  3. Sécurisation : les règles de base, un firewall avec iptables, fail2ban…
  4. Panel DTC : pour installer et gérer les services web, ftp, mysql, e-mail, dns…
  5. Monitoring : garder un oeil sur son serveur grâce à monit et logwatch
  6. Sauvegarde automatique : backup-manager et export FTP
  7. Roundcube : un webmail léger et rapide

Attention : nous préconisons désormais l’utilisation du panel ISPConfig, en lieu et place du panel DTC. Il est tout aussi simple à installer et à utiliser. Veuillez vous référer à sa documentation.

Sauvegarder ses données avec Rsync

21/01/2024 Comments off


En parcourant pas mal de forums, j’ai pu remarquer que pas mal de jeunes admins ne connaissaient pas Rync.

Rsync est un petit outil de sauvegarde extrêmement puissant. Grâce à cette outil j’ai pu sauvegarder des centaines de  giga-octet de données sans problèmes.

Rsync se charge en plus de garder tous les droits et attributs de vos fichiers et gère en natif SSH pour faire une sauvegarde d’une machine vers une autre. Lire la suite…

Synchronizing folders with rsync

10/01/2024 Comments off

Source: Juan Valencia’s website

In this post I cover the basics of rsync, in preparation for a subsequent post that will cover backups and it’s use in conjunction with cronjobs to automatize the backup process. From the copying and synchronization of local files and folders, to it’s use for transfer information among computers. Itsuse as a daemon when SSH is unavailable was moved to it’s own section.

The basics of rsync
Copying local files and folders
Dealing with whitespace and rare characters
Update the contents of a folder
Synchronizing two folders with rsync
Compressing the files while transferring them
Transferring files between two remote systems
Excluding files and directories
Running rsync as a daemon (moved to it’s own section)
Some additional rsync parameters

The basics of rsync

rsync is a very versatile copying and backup tool that is included by default in almost every Linux distribution. It can be used as an advanced copying tool, allowing us to copy files both locally and remotely. It can also be used as a backup tool. It supports the creation of incremental backups.

rsync counts with a famous delta-transfer algorithm that allows us to transfer new files as well as recent changes to existent files, while ignoring unchanged files. Additionally to this, the behavior ofrsync can be throughly customized, helping us to automatize backups, it can also be run as a daemon to turn the computer into a host and allow rsync clients connect to it.

Besides the copying of local files and folders, rsync allow us to copy over SSH (Secure Shell), RSH (Remote Shell) and it can be run as a daemon in a computer and allow other computers to connect to it, when rsync is run as a daemon it listens to the port TCP 873.

When we use rsync as a daemon or when we use RSH, the data that is send between computers travels unencrypted, so, if you are transferring files between two computers in the same local network, this is useful, but this shouldn’t be used to transfer files over insecure networks, such as the Internet. For this purpose SSH is the way to go.

This is the main reason why I favor the use of SSH for my transfers, besides, since SSH is secure, many servers have the SSH daemon available. But the use of rsync as a daemon for transfers over fast connections, as is usually the case in a local network, is useful. I don’t have the RSH daemon running in my computers so you may find me a bit biased about SSH in the examples. The examples covering the transfer of files between two computers use SSH as the medium of transport, but in a separate post I cover the use of rsync as a daemon.

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Categories: Réseau, Système Tags: , ,