
Articles taggués ‘reporting’

Use Fail2Ban to contact the IP provider’s of bruteforce attacks source

20/02/2024 Comments off


Fail2ban is a very useful and powerful solution to limit the bruteforce on your server. but fail2ban doesn’t provide you a way to contact directly the IP provider’s of bruteforce attacks source. I have modify an fail2ban action file’s and create a script for that.


Go to the fail2ban action folders :

# cd /etc/fail2ban/action.d

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Monitoring Ubuntu Desktops and Servers Using Monit

08/02/2024 Comments off

monit is a utility for managing and monitoring, processes, files, directories and devices on a UNIX system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.

Monit Features

  • Daemon mode – poll programs at a specified interval
  • Monitoring modes – active, passive or manual
  • Start, stop and restart of programs
  • Group and manage groups of programs
  • Process dependency definition
  • Logging to syslog or own logfile
  • Configuration – comprehensive controlfile
  • Runtime and TCP/IP port checking (tcp and udp)
  • SSL support for port checking
  • Unix domain socket checking
  • Process status and process timeout
  • Process cpu usage
  • Process memory usage
  • Process zombie check
  • Check the systems load average
  • Check a file or directory timestamp
  • Alert, stop or restart a process based on its characteristics
  • MD5 checksum for programs started and stopped by monit
  • Alert notification for program timeout, restart, checksum, stop resource and timestamp error
  • Flexible and customizable email alert messages
  • Protocol verification. HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, NNTP, SSH, DWP,LDAPv2 and LDAPv3
  • An http interface with optional SSL support to make monit accessible from a webbrowser

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Changer le mot de passe perdu de Webmin

12/01/2024 Comments off

Un jour vous pouvez resté bloqué par un mot de passe perdu pour accéder à Webmin et vous auriez besoin d’un moyen de le changer.

Voici comment: pour commencer, connectez-vous à votre système en ssh.Vous devez trouver où Webmin est installé et donc le chemin que le script utilisera pour réinitialiser le mot de passe. Lire la suite…

Collect & visualize your logs with Logstash, Elasticsearch & Redis

28/10/2023 Comments off


Update of December 6th : although Logstash does the job as a log shipper, you might consider replacing it with Lumberjack / Logstash Forwarder, which needs way less resources, and keep Logstash on your indexer to collect, transform and index your logs data (into ElasticSearch) : check out my latest blog post on the topic.


Kibana Dashboard

Even if you manage a single Linux server, you probably already know how hard it is to keep an eye on what’s going on with your server, and especially tracking logs data. And this becomes even worse when you have several (physical or virtual) servers to administrate.


Although Munin is very helpful monitoring various informations from my servers / VMs, I felt the need of something more, and bit less static / more interactive.

There are 3 kind of logs I especially wanted to track :

  • Apache 2 access logs
  • iptables logs
  • Syslogs

After searching arround on the internet for a great tool that would help me, I read about the open source log management tool Logstash which seems to perfectly suit a (major) part of my needs : logs collecting / processing.

For the purpose of this post, I will take the following network architecture and assume and I want to collect my Apache, iptables, system logs from servers 1/2/3 (“shippers”) on server 4 (“indexer”) and visualize them :


As you can see, I am using 4 complementary applications, the role of each one being :

  • Logstash : logs collector, processor and shipper (to Redis) on log “shippers” 1-3 ; logs indexer on server 4 (reads from Redis, writes to Elasticsearch)
  • Redis : logs data broker, receiving data from log “shippers” 1-3
  • Elasticsearch : logs data persistent storage
  • Kibana : (time-based) logs data visualization (graphs, tables, etc.)

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Categories: Système Tags: , , ,

How to analyze and view Apache web server logs interactively on Linux

25/10/2023 Comments off

analyze apache logsWhether you are in the web hosting business, or run a few web sites on a VPS yourself, chances are you want to display visitor statistics such as top visitors, requested files (dynamic or static), used bandwidth, client browsers, and referring sites, and so forth.

GoAccess is a command-line log analyzer and interactive viewer for Apache or Nginx web server. With this tool, you will not only be able to browse the data mentioned earlier, but also parse the web server logs to dig for further data as well – and all of this within a terminal window in real time. Since as of today most web servers use either a Debian derivative or a Red Hat based distribution as the underlying operating system, I will show you how to install and use GoAccess in Debian and CentOS.

Installing GoAccess on Linux

In Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives, run the following command to install GoAccess:

# aptitude install goaccess

In CentOS, you’ll need to enable the EPEL repository and then:

# yum install goaccess

In Fedora, simply use yum command:

# yum install goaccess

If you want to install GoAccess from the source to enable further options (such as GeoIP location), install required dependencies for your operating system, and then follow these steps:

# wget
# tar -xzvf goaccess-0.8.5.tar.gz
# cd goaccess-0.8.5/
# ./configure --enable-geoip
# make
# make install

That will install version 0.8.5, but you can always verify what is the latest version in the Downloads page of the project’s web site.

Since GoAccess does not require any further configurations, once it’s installed you are ready to go.

Running GoAccess

To start using GoAccess, just run it against your Apache access log.

For Debian and derivatives:

# goaccess -f /var/log/apache2/access.log

For Red Hat based distros:

# goaccess -f /var/log/httpd/access_log

When you first launch GoAccess, you will be presented with the following screen to choose the date and log format. As explained, you can toggle between options using the spacebar and proceed with F10. As for the date and log formats, you may want to refer to the Apache documentation if you need to refresh your memory.

In this case, Choose Common Log Format (CLF):


and then press F10. You will be presented with the statistics screen. For the sake of brevity, only the header, which shows the summary of the log file, is shown in the next image:


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