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Emergency DOS or DDOS stopping script

27/09/2023 Categories: Réseau, Sécurité Tags: , , , ,
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If you are under a DOS or DDOS attack and running out of your mind or don’t know what to do, use this script to get ride of this panic situation.

DoS or DDoS is an attempt to make a victim website unavailable by creating hundreds to hundreds thousands of established connections that overflow victim resources and makes a website unavailable to the genuine users/visitors.

Short and useful slide that definite this script can be view on slideshare

You can run script to mitigate a low level ddos attack some how while and can stop DOS attack completely. This script is available under GPL license from the author.

How to mitigate DoS or DDoS attack?

Stop or flush other rules for now :

service apf stop
iptables -F
mv antiDDoS.txt
chmod u+x

Some other useful commands to analyze the type of attacks :

netstat -antp | grep ESTABLISHED
netstat -antp | grep -i sync
netstat --help


Lire aussi:  Linux Iptables: HowTo Block or Open HTTP/Web Service Port 80 & 443
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