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Ubuntu Linux Change Hostname (computer name)

I am a new Ubuntu Linux laptop user. I setup my computer name to ‘tom’ during installation but now I ...

Pure-FTPd et MySQL

Le logiciel pure-ftpd est l’un des serveurs FTP les plus simple à installer et configurer c’est pourquoi si vous cherchez ...

How to monitor a log file on Linux with logwatch

Linux operating system and many applications create special files commonly referred to as "logs" to record their operational events. These ...

How to Backup Linux? 15 rsync Command Examples

rsync stands for remote sync.rsync is used to perform the backup operation in UNIX / Linux.rsync utility is used to ...

Collect & visualize your logs with Logstash, Elasticsearch & Redis

Source: Update of December 6th : although Logstash does the job as a log shipper, you might consider replacing ...

How to secure SSH login with one-time passwords on Linux

As someone says, security is a not a product, but a process. While SSH protocol itself is cryptographically secure by ...

How to run iptables automatically after reboot on Debian

If you have customized iptables rules, and would like to load the customized iptables rules persistently across reboots on Debian, ...

Sécuriser son serveur Linux

Sécuriser LinuxCe guide va vous apprendre à sécuriser un serveur et donc vous initier aux thématiques de la sécurité informatique ...

What are useful CLI tools for Linux system admins ?

System administrators (sysadmins) are responsible for day-to-day operations of production systems and services. One of the critical roles of sysadmins ...

What are good open-source log monitoring tools on Linux ?

In an operating system, logs are all about keeping track of events, be it critical system errors, resource usage warnings, ...

16 commands to check hardware information on Linux

Source: BinaryTides Hardware information Like for every thing, there are plenty of commands to check information about the hardware of ...

inotify / incron : Lancer une commande en cas d’action sur un fichier/un répertoire

“inotify”, Remplaçant de “dnotify”, est une technologie, intégrée au noyau Linux (>=2.6.13) , destinée à notifier les événements, modifications, accès, ...

Simple versioned TimeMachine-like backup using rsync

Using TimeMachine with rsync: Over many years, I have dealt with scripts that do backup versioning, i.e., maintain multiple backups ...

How to configure a syslog server with rsyslog on Linux

A syslog server represents a central log monitoring point on a network, to which all kinds of devices including Linux ...

80 Linux Monitoring Tools for SysAdmins

Source: ServerDensity The industry is hotting up at the moment, and there are more tools than you can shake a ...

4 outils utiles pour rechercher et supprimer des fichiers en double sous Linux

L'organisation de votre répertoire personnel ou même de votre système peut être particulièrement difficile si vous avez l'habitude de télécharger ...
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