
Articles taggués ‘iptables’

Setting up a tarpit on Ubuntu Linux

25/04/2024 Comments off

Source: Vincent Liu

It’s amazing to see how big botnets can grow up till these days, and they really have plenty of computing power to spare. So what do botnet owners do with these unused free computing power after looting all valuable information from the poor victim? They waste it on scanning on any potential possibilities no matter how minute a chance of finding an opening is.

In the days when computer resources are scarce, computer bots don’t bother port scanning addresses when ping requests doesn’t provide a response. But not anymore. They know that there are people out there who are slightly more tech-savvy and do not want to be annoyed – so today’s bots have no qualms in trying to scan every single port on a network address, even if ping does not respond.

Well, my computer security philosophy is simple: scanning the ports on my computer constitutes as aggression – if you engage in such activity, then it means I am free to retaliate in response to it.

Even so, I do not mean launching an attack on the infected computer; but I’ll make your bots waste it’s resources by making connections that leads to a dead end. On the flip side, in the process of doing that, this scheme will not waste my own resources by doing it. Typically, an activity like this is termed as ‘tarpitting’. So let’s see how we can set up a tarpit to fight these bots.

Patching the Kernel

In order to perform tarpitting, we need to rely on Linux’s firewall, iptables and the ‘tarpit’ module. But since the ‘tarpit’ module on iptables isn’t supported on default on Debian/Ubuntu anymore, the only way to enable it is to patch the kernel and recompile it. This may sound daunting to a novice user, but there really isn’t a need to; all you need is just some basic knowledge and patience to set things up.

Firstly, a patch to the kernel becomes necessary. It’s currently unofficially maintained at, and marked as being ‘unsupported’ or ‘obsolete’ by netfilter team themselves, which essentially means use at your own risk! I’m usually a risk-taker (only when it comes to computer software 😉 so it’s not a big issue. You should work out if this is right for you.

You’ll first need to download the kernel sources, and set up the corresponding environment for recompiling your kernel. A detailed step-by-step procedure is provided in the Ubuntu Wiki. I’m just going to skim through the details from the wiki, and show you the commands that is relevant for version Ubuntu Intrepid:

% apt-get install linux-kernel-devel fakeroot build-essential makedumpfile
% apt-get install build-dep linux
% apt-get source linux-source

Now you need to find out what version of the kernel you’re running before you can download and apply the corresponding patch. The version is shown as the directory name of the source you’ve downloaded, eg:

% ls -l /usr/src/

What we are interested is the number indicated in bold. In my case, it’s 2.6.27. We need to do a few things here: firstly we want to inherit all the old configuration that came with your currently working kernel, so that the newly compiled kernel will be the same as the original. Then we can download the patch and apply it to the linux source, so that only change is the addition of the tarpit feature:

% cd /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.27
% make oldconfig
% wget
% patch -p1 < tarpit-2.6.27.patch

The patch should apply cleanly, which means now you have the tarpit feature in the kernel. But that’s not enough, you need to make sure tarpit is compiled, as a module generally. To do this run:

% make menuconfig

And select 'M' from the menu options Networking Support -> Network packet filtering framework (Netfilter) ->Core Netfilter Configuration -> "TARPIT" target support.

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Does TARPIT have any known vulnerabilities or downsides?

24/04/2024 Comments off


Running a TARPIT on a general purpose server does come with risks. If you know what the risks are you can mitigate them, depending on your level of comfort.

  • You have to ensure you don’t accidentally DOS your server w/ tarpit traffic
  • You have to ensure you fill up your state tables w/ tarpitted connection info
  • You have to ensure you don’t flood your logs with tarpit connection information
  • You need to ensure a long blacklist doesn’t affect performance
  • You need to ensure that your blacklist automatically expires hosts
  • You need the ability to whitelist hosts (either permanently or with time-limit)

Thankfully this is all possible, and quite easy using regular iptables and ipset.

Limiting TARPIT resource usage

You can use iptables to limit how many hosts you TARPIT without using too many system resources. See example below. This includes network bandwidth, system memory, state stable entries, and other system resources. Get too many tarpitted connections, start ignoring them. If you organize your rule set in the correct order, none of the tarpitted connections end up on your state tables. Also make sure you don’t log, unless you’re doing realtime stats with something like a custom ulog — Direct iptables tarpit logs can quickly fill up a disk.


In my experience my current hosts can easily hold 200+ hosts in a tarpit, with little noticeable effect on memory usage, traffic usage, or cpu usage. Likely I could push this further, but so far on average I’m only trapping around 130 hosts at any given moment.


The reason why I implemented the limits, was as stated in another suggestion, because my first tarpit host became flooded. This was a trivial workaround. I’ve had no issues since.


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Categories: Réseau, Sécurité Tags: , ,

Slow Down Internet Worms With Tarpits

24/04/2024 Comments off

internet worms
Worms, worms are everywhere! The recent and prolific spread of Internet worms has yet again demonstrated the vulnerability of network hosts, and it’s clear that new approaches to worm containment need to be investigated. In this article, we’ll discuss a new twist on an under-utilized technology: the tarpit.

The Worms

In a nutshell, worm technology works by infecting a host and then using it to scan for more victims. The damage caused by the recent worm outbreaks isn’t so much to the victim computer as it is to the networks in which they operate. The side-effect of propagation is that massive amounts of bandwidth are consumed as the infected hosts perform their scanning. The speed at which they are able to compromise new hosts grows exponentially, eventually causing a network meltdown.

In the future, worms could carry more damaging payloads, doing things like deleting files, installing network sniffers, or stealing confidential files. However, there is a fine balance between being overly destructive and fast to propagate, because just like in nature, a worm or virus that kills its host too quickly cannot effectively spread.


Preventative measures provide the most effective protection — in this case, patching the vulnerable systems before the worm is released. In the case of the Blaster worm, a patch was available long before the worm happened, and long enough for security experts to place informal « bets » as to when the worm would actually appear. However, in large companies and organizations with traveling users, applying and supporting a patch to systems can become somewhat of a tactical nightmare. So, given that preventative maintenance obviously isn’t working, it may be necessary to begin to examine some of the other possibilities for slowing the spread of worms, once outbreaks occur.

One such solution, and the focus of this article, is the TARPIT — which is available as a relatively new patch to the Netfilter (IPtables) firewall for Linux, in addition to being available for Windows platforms, Solaris, and OpenBSD thanks to the LaBrea tarpit project from Hackbusters (but now hosted on Sorceforge). For simplicity, this article will focus on just the IPtables version. What the tarpit project means to IPtables users is that now, instead of simply logging and dropping packets, they can now be sent to a TARPIT.

The concept behind a tarpit is fairly simple. The connections come in, but they don’t get back out. IPtables handles this by allowing a tarpitted port to accept any incoming TCP connection. When data transfer begins to occur, the TCP window size is set to zero, so no data can be transferred within the session. The connection is then held open, and any requests by the remote side to close the session are ignored. This means that the attacker must wait for the connection to timeout in order to disconnect. This kind of behavior is bad news for automated scanning tools (like worms) because they rely on a quick turnaround from their potential victims.

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Tarpit & iptables : les armes fatales anti-DDOS !

21/04/2024 Comments off

Tarpit + iptables : le Graal?

Un ennemi à part !

Le problème est, ma foi, assez simple :

En sécurité informatique, on sait de nos jours parer à la grande majorité des menaces. Si on se concentre sur la partie serveur et sur Linux, Grsex / Pax, un coup de hardening, un kernel statique et optimisé, du chroot et ma foi on est déjà pas mal…

Les démons comme apaches et Mysql, ainsi que les interprêteurs comme PHP ou Perl, sont protégés contre leurs ennemis intimes : les overflows. Les droits séparés, les arborescences protégées, les connexions filtrées, que peut on faire de plus ? Par exemple séparer le back office sur un autre vhost pour ajouter un htaccess afin de le protéger, auditer le site contre les vulnérabilités classiques, XSS, SQL injection etc…

Well… Que reste t’il, un ou deux mécanismes à protéger mais… Le D.D.O.S, c’est fatal.

Know your ennemy !

La D.D.O.S – Distributed Denial Of Services – c’est la grande frayeur de n’importe quel E-commerçant, de n’importe quel site gagnant de l’argent en ligne et surtout, de votre infogérant…

Un déni de service distribué consiste à envoyer des milliers, des dizaines de milliers, des centaines de milliers de requêtes simultanément. Si l’on limite la réflexion aux sites Web, il suffit, en général, de faire 10 à 50 000 connexions simultanées pour mettre à genou un serveur et/ou la connexion Internet des serveurs.

Ces innombrables connexions arrivent, en général, depuis des machines compromises, de partout dans le monde. Ces machines sont compromises par des vers, par exemple Confliker ou d’autres plus discrets, qui sommeillent dans des PC depuis des mois, à l’écoute des ordres. Ces machines, appelées Zombies, font partie de réseaux nommés Botnets.

Ensuite, c’est malheureusement d’une simplicité diabolique. Un script kiddy (ou même un vrai hacker) paye quelques poignées de dollars et loue tout simplement la puissance d’un botnet. Combien de machines, combien de temps, quelles commandes doit être lancée. Simple, terriblement efficace, imparable…

Les machines reçoivent les ordres et en quelques minutes, des centaines milliers de connexions pleuvent sur le site ciblé.

Comment éviter une D.D.O.S ?

Une D.D.O.S se base, pas essence, sur des machines compromises, la plupart du temps des bêtes PC de particuliers.

Evidemment, nous ne pouvons avoir une action sur ces machines directement. Les désinfecter à distance n’est pas possible, pas plus que cela ne serait autorisé du reste.

Ensuite, bloquer ces machines une par une dans un firewall est aussi inutile qu’impossible. Impossible à cause du volume, inutile car bloquer ces connexions n’empêchera pas le pirate d’en envoyer d’autres, d’en envoyer plus et de toute façon, si ce ne sont pas les serveurs qui craquent, ca sera la connexion Internet des serveurs.

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iptables: Linux firewall rules for a basic Web Server

21/04/2024 Comments off

What is iptables?

linux firewall web serveriptables is a package and kernel module for Linux that uses the netfilter hooks within the Linux kernel to provide filtering, network address translation, and packet mangling. iptables is a powerful tool for turning a regular Linux system into a simple or advanced firewall.

Firewall & iptables basics

Rules are first come first serve

In iptables much like other (but not all) firewall filtering packages the rules are presented in a list. When a packet is being processed, iptables will read through its rule-set list and the first rule that matches this packet completely gets applied.

For example if our rule-set looks like below, all HTTP connections will be denied:

  • Allow all SSH Connections
  • Deny all connections
  • Allow all HTTP Connections

If the packet was for SSH it would be allowed because it matches rule #1, HTTP traffic on the other hand would be denied because it matches both rule #2 and rule #3. Because rule #2 says Deny all connections the HTTP traffic would be denied.

This is an example of why order matters with iptables, keep this in mind as we will see this later in this article.

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