
Articles taggués ‘monitoring’

iptables recent matching rule

14/09/2023 Comments off


Linux iptables now offers extended packet matching modules. The recent module tracks IP addresses and allows to match against them using other criteria.

We are going to use a combination of lists created by the recent module and a new chain to track attackers. The two problems we are trying to minimise are:

  • centralised port scans.
  • ssh attacks: somebody tries to log in through ssh from a unique ip address using different user IDs and passwords.

port scan

A port scan will try to talk to our machine on different ports. The idea here is to ban the offending ip address as soon as it touches a non-authorised port.

We accomplish this by creating two rules. The first one has to be the last rule in the INPUT chain, it replaces your rule that says that if a packet has not matched any rule it should be DROPped. Additionally to DROPping the packet, we add the source ip address to the « badguys » list:

iptables ...
iptables -A INPUT  -t filter -i $OUTS -j DROP -m recent --set --name badguys

The next rule will be the first rule of the INPUT chain and will block any packet from ip addresses that are present in the badguys list and for which we have received packet within the last hour. Note that we use the « –update » option rather than « –rcheck », so that any new packet resets the clock ; offenders have to be completely silent for one hour in order to be able to communicate with us again:

iptables -A INPUT -i $OUTS -m recent --name badguys --update --seconds 3600 -j DROP
iptables ...
iptables -A INPUT  -t filter -i $OUTS -j DROP -m recent --set --name badguys

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Use iptables to monitor network usage

13/09/2023 Comments off

Iptables is a powerful firewall/packet filtering framework inside Linux, and obviously used for firewalls on desktop, servers, and even embedded Linux devices such as most home internet routers. I was asked to write a script that could monitor and report network usage on one of our machines at work.

I took on the challenge and after searching package repositories and Google for cool Linux console apps that will report network usage, I came came across the idea of using iptables.. seeing as I love iptables, and it is installed by default on most machines it was the perfect solution for us.

The Idea
Iptables can be thought of a bunch of tables each containing some lists of rules called “chains”. There are some default chains which packets must progress through depending on the packets origin and destination. The main and default table that most people use is the ‘filter’ table, the default chains are:

  • INPUT – Packets coming to the machine from the network.
  • OUTPUT – Packets leaving your machine,
  • FORWARD – Packets passing through your machine, if your machine routes packets.

Each of these chains have a default policy, that is what should happen if there is no rules or no rules matching the packet, this is either:

  • ACCEPT – Allow the packet into the machine.
  • DROP – Drop the packet,

Now the default chains cannot be changed, the packets will work through one of those chains, we can add any rules we want to filter these packets. Netfilter/iptables tracks the amount of data running through chains. So if you want to track all your incoming network usage you can just use the INPUT chain, but if we want to track more specific traffic, we can create a custom chain, add a rule to pass the specific packets to this new chain, and thus monitor the specific traffic! Easy huh!

Before I go into the script and specific iptables configuration I’ll show you readers some useful itptables commands:

  • To see the manual page on iptables: man iptables
  • To list the rules on the default (filter) table: iptables -L
  • To list rules on other tables: iptables -t <tablename> -L

NOTE: If you add a -v you can see packet and byte counts.

Now we move onto what I did.

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How do I change, sort, add, remove graphs with Munin?

10/09/2023 Comments off

Graphs on Munin

Enable and disable plugins on each node

graphs muninGraphs are added and removed via symlinks in the /etc/munin/plugins/ directory of the node.

To remove a graph you must remove the symlink and restart the node:

rm /etc/munin/plugins/diskstats
service munin-node restart

To add a graph you must add a symlink in the plugins directory to an executable. eg:

ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/diskstats /etc/munin/plugins/diskstats
service munin-node restart

When you restart munin-node it runs immediately and any issues with the plugins appears in /var/log/munin/munin-node.log. If all is going well you’ll see a CONNECT logged every cycle; this records the fact that the master connected to collect the latest data.

Process Backgrounded
2014/03/10-15:59:47 Munin::Node::Server (type Net::Server::Fork) starting! pid(32231)
Resolved [*]:4949 to [::]:4949, IPv6
Not including resolved host [] IPv4 because it will be handled by [::] IPv6
Binding to TCP port 4949 on host :: with IPv6
2014/03/10-16:00:04 CONNECT TCP Peer: "[::ffff:]:45965" Local: "[::ffff:]:4949"
2014/03/10-16:05:04 CONNECT TCP Peer: "[::ffff:]:46109" Local: "[::ffff:]:4949"
2014/03/10-16:10:04 CONNECT TCP Peer: "[::ffff:]:46109" Local: "[::ffff:]:4949"

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Installation et configuration d’Observium sous debian / ubuntu

03/06/2021 Comments off

Source: NooBUNBOX

Observium est un système de supervision de réseaux basé sur PHP / MySQL. Il supporte une large gamme de distributions (Windows, Linux, FreeBS, ESXI, etc.) et de matériels (Cisco, Linksys, Juniper, Dell).

Observium se décline en deux versions :

  • Observium Community Edition : une version gratuite, open-source et mise à jour tous les 6 mois.
  • Observium Profesionnal : une version payante (£150/an) distribuée via svn patchée quotidiennement (bug fixes, mises à jour de sécurité et nouvelles features)

Pour une utilisation non-professionnelle la version Community Edition suffit. Ici nous allons nous intéreser à l’installation et la configuration d’Observium sous debian 7.

Installation d’Observium

Ici nous partons d’une distribution propre, il nous faut donc commencer par installer les dépendances

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5-cli php5-mysql php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-json php-pear snmp fping \
mysql-server mysql-client python-mysqldb rrdtool subversion whois mtr-tiny ipmitool graphviz imagemagick

Créez le répertoire ou nous installerons Observium

Téléchargez la dernière version du logiciel et extrayez la

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Supervision de postfix via mailgraph avec le plugin via Nagios/Centreon

28/03/2021 Comments off

Source:  l’admin sous GNU/Linux – blog libreCentreon_graph_mailstat_home


Voici une procédure permettant de contrôler l’activité d’un serveur de messagerie postfix via Nagios / Centreon.

Pour cela nous allons utiliser le plugins avec une petite adaptation du script afin de le rendre compatible avec la génération de graphe sous Centreon.

Le plugin va récupérer depuis des données depuis mailgraph qui permet de générer des graphes via RRDTool

Tout d’abord, il faut installer Mailgraph sur l’hôte à superviser, ici une Debian.

Installation de Mailgraph

aptitude install mailgraph

Si l’installation ne vous a pas poser les questions propres au paramétrage, lancer :

dpkg-reconfigure mailgraph

Voici les questions et réponse à fournir :

Mailgraph doit-il être lancé au démarrage ? OUI

Fichier de journalisation à utiliser par mailgraph : /var/log/mail.log (à adapter)

Faut-il compter les courriels entrants comme des courriels sortants ? NON (J’utilise Amavis, donc j’ai choisi cette option, encore une fois à adapter.

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