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Use a classic menu in Unity

Source: WebUpd8 If you find Dash to be confusing and want to use a classic menu in Unity, you have ...

Allow A Normal User To Run Commands As root Under Linux / UNIX Operating Systems

Source: nixCRAFT You need to use the sudo command which is use to execute a command as another user. It ...

How To SSH Run Multiple Command On Remote Machine And Exit Safely

Source: nixCraft I have a backup sync program on local server. I have an ssh password less login set up, ...

How to Set Locales (i18n) On a Linux or Unix

Source: nixCraft What is a "locale" on a Linux operating system? How do I set or get locals (i18n) values ...

Disable The Mail Alert By Crontab Command On a Linux or Unix-like Systems

Source: nixCraft How do I to disable the mail alert send by crontab? When my job is executed and the ...

Linux Security Basics

One of the most daunting prospects of administering your own server on a public network is dealing with your server’s ...

Websync, web interface to manage your rsync tasks

Source: Rsync is a great tool to replicate, sync some data on your computer. And I’m heavily relying on ...

How to Backup Linux? 15 rsync Command Examples

Source: TheGeekStuff rsync stands for Remote SYNC. rsync is used to perform the backup operation in UNIX / Linux. rsync ...

Rsync (Remote Sync): 10 Practical Examples of Rsync Command in Linux

Source: (Tarunika Shrivastava) Rsync (Remote Sync) is a most commonly used command for copying and synchronizing files and directories remotely ...

compgen: An Awesome Command To List All Linux Commands

Source: nixCraft Ever want to list all the Linux commands (including bash shell aliases and functions) you could run on ...

Simple failover cluster using UCARP on Ubuntu

In this tutorial, I’ll show you the steps to create a simple failover cluster on Ubuntu using CARP. To make ...

Ubuntu: la barre de menu disparait…

En cas de perte de la barre de menu et de la barre d'icônes, le seul moyen de les récupérer ...

How to restart Gnome Panel

Source: My Linux Notebook It doesn't happen a lot but it does sometimes when the Gnome Panel freeze. If you ...

Debian / Ubuntu: apt-get Force Reinstall Package

Source: nixCraft I am a new Debian Linux v.7.x / Ubuntu Linux LTS user. How do I reinstall a package ...

Utiliser la commande ssh-copy-id depuis Mac OSX

Comment rendre la commande ssh-copy-id disponible sur Mac OS XSi vous avez tenté d'utiliser la commande ssh-copy-id sur Mac OS ...

How To Mount Remote Directory With SSHFS on a Linux

Source: nixCraft How can I mount remote directory with ssh on a Linux bases system? How do I use SSHFS ...
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