Linux Security Basics

One of the most daunting prospects of administering your own server on a public network is dealing with your server’s security. While security threats in a networked world are real and it is always important to be mindful of security issues, protecting against possible attacks is often a matter of exercising basic common sense and adhering to some general best practices.

This guide takes a broad overview of common security concerns and provides a number of possible solutions to common security problems. You are encouraged to consider deploying some of these measures to “harden” your server against possible attacks.

It’s important to remember that all of the solutions we present in this document are targeted at specific kinds of attacks, which themselves may be relevant only in specific configurations. Security solutions need to be tailored to the kind of services that you’re providing and the software you’re running, and the decision whether or not to deploy a specific security solution is often a matter of personal discretion and cost-benefit analysis.

Perhaps most importantly, it should be understood that security is a process, not a product (credit to Bruce Schneier.) There is no “magic bullet” set of guidelines that can be followed to ensure the security of any system. Threats are constantly evolving, so vigilance is required on the part of network administrators to prevent unauthorized access to systems.

Keep Systems and Software Up To Date

One of the most significant sources of security vulnerabilities are systems running out of date software with known security holes. Make a point of using your system’s package management tools to keep your software up to date; this will greatly assist in avoiding easily preventable security intrusions.

Running system updates with the package management tool, using apt-get update && apt-get upgrade (for Debian and Ubuntu Systems) or yum update (for CentOS and Fedora systems) is simple and straightforward. This practice ensures that if your distribution maintains active security updates, your system will be guarded against many security holes in commonly used software packages.

System update tools will, however, not keep software up to date that you’ve installed outside of package management. This includes software that you’ve compiled and installed “by hand” (e.g. with ./configure && make && make install) and web-based applications that you’ve installed from a software developer’s site, as is often the case with applications like WordPress and Drupal. Also excluded from protection will be libraries and packages you’ve installed with supplementary package management tools like Ruby’s Gems, Perl’s CPAN tool, Python easy_install, and Haskell Cabal. You will have to manage the process of keeping these files up to date yourself.

The method you use to make sure that your entire system is kept up to date is a matter of personal preference, and depends on the nature of your workflow. We would recommend trying very hard to use the versions of software provided by your operating system or other programming platform-specific package management tools. If you must install from “source,” we would recommend that you save the tarballs and source files for all such software in /src/ or ~/src/ so that you can keep track of what software you’ve installed in this manner. Often, you can remove a manually compiled application by issuing make uninstall in the source repository (directory). Additionally, it may be helpful to maintain a list of manually installed software, with version numbers and download locations. You may also want to investigate packaging your own software so that you can install it with apt, yum or pacman.

Because of the complexity of maintaining software outside of the system’s package management tools we strongly recommend avoiding manually installing software unless absolutely necessary. Your choice in a Linux distribution should be heavily biased by the availability of software in that distro’s repositories for the systems you need to run on your server.

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Tarpit & iptables : les armes fatales anti-DDOS !

Tarpit + iptables : le Graal?

Un ennemi à part !

Le problème est, ma foi, assez simple :

En sécurité informatique, on sait de nos jours parer à la grande majorité des menaces. Si on se concentre sur la partie serveur et sur Linux, Grsex / Pax, un coup de hardening, un kernel statique et optimisé, du chroot et ma foi on est déjà pas mal…

Les démons comme apaches et Mysql, ainsi que les interprêteurs comme PHP ou Perl, sont protégés contre leurs ennemis intimes : les overflows. Les droits séparés, les arborescences protégées, les connexions filtrées, que peut on faire de plus ? Par exemple séparer le back office sur un autre vhost pour ajouter un htaccess afin de le protéger, auditer le site contre les vulnérabilités classiques, XSS, SQL injection etc…

Well… Que reste t’il, un ou deux mécanismes à protéger mais… Le D.D.O.S, c’est fatal.

Know your ennemy !

La D.D.O.S – Distributed Denial Of Services – c’est la grande frayeur de n’importe quel E-commerçant, de n’importe quel site gagnant de l’argent en ligne et surtout, de votre infogérant…

Un déni de service distribué consiste à envoyer des milliers, des dizaines de milliers, des centaines de milliers de requêtes simultanément. Si l’on limite la réflexion aux sites Web, il suffit, en général, de faire 10 à 50 000 connexions simultanées pour mettre à genou un serveur et/ou la connexion Internet des serveurs.

Ces innombrables connexions arrivent, en général, depuis des machines compromises, de partout dans le monde. Ces machines sont compromises par des vers, par exemple Confliker ou d’autres plus discrets, qui sommeillent dans des PC depuis des mois, à l’écoute des ordres. Ces machines, appelées Zombies, font partie de réseaux nommés Botnets.

Ensuite, c’est malheureusement d’une simplicité diabolique. Un script kiddy (ou même un vrai hacker) paye quelques poignées de dollars et loue tout simplement la puissance d’un botnet. Combien de machines, combien de temps, quelles commandes doit être lancée. Simple, terriblement efficace, imparable…

Les machines reçoivent les ordres et en quelques minutes, des centaines milliers de connexions pleuvent sur le site ciblé.

Comment éviter une D.D.O.S ?

Une D.D.O.S se base, pas essence, sur des machines compromises, la plupart du temps des bêtes PC de particuliers.

Evidemment, nous ne pouvons avoir une action sur ces machines directement. Les désinfecter à distance n’est pas possible, pas plus que cela ne serait autorisé du reste.

Ensuite, bloquer ces machines une par une dans un firewall est aussi inutile qu’impossible. Impossible à cause du volume, inutile car bloquer ces connexions n’empêchera pas le pirate d’en envoyer d’autres, d’en envoyer plus et de toute façon, si ce ne sont pas les serveurs qui craquent, ca sera la connexion Internet des serveurs.

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iptables: Linux firewall rules for a basic Web Server

What is iptables?

linux firewall web serveriptables is a package and kernel module for Linux that uses the netfilter hooks within the Linux kernel to provide filtering, network address translation, and packet mangling. iptables is a powerful tool for turning a regular Linux system into a simple or advanced firewall.

Firewall & iptables basics

Rules are first come first serve

In iptables much like other (but not all) firewall filtering packages the rules are presented in a list. When a packet is being processed, iptables will read through its rule-set list and the first rule that matches this packet completely gets applied.

For example if our rule-set looks like below, all HTTP connections will be denied:

  • Allow all SSH Connections
  • Deny all connections
  • Allow all HTTP Connections

If the packet was for SSH it would be allowed because it matches rule #1, HTTP traffic on the other hand would be denied because it matches both rule #2 and rule #3. Because rule #2 says Deny all connections the HTTP traffic would be denied.

This is an example of why order matters with iptables, keep this in mind as we will see this later in this article.

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Websync, web interface to manage your rsync tasks

20/04/2024 Categories: Logiciel, Système Tags: , , , Comments off


tasks_tabRsync is a great tool to replicate, sync some data on your computer. And I’m heavily relying on it to backup my server and to mirror some opensource projects and GNU/Linux Distributions.

But I’ve recently found a Web interface to manage all my rsync tasks called websync.

Websync is a web based rsync task manager where you can add, edit, clone, remove, scheduled,…. your rsync tasks while being able to have a remote host as source or destination of the task (With SSH RSA key too)

Under the free license MIT, Websync has been developped by Sander Struijk and is still actively being maintained, as you can see on github forum. But it is still an early project, so if you face any issue, make sure to report them on the issue tracker.

Interested to give it a shot, here is how to install Websync!

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Categories: Logiciel, Système Tags: , , ,

How to Backup Linux? 15 rsync Command Examples

20/04/2024 Categories: Système Tags: , , , , Comments off

Source: TheGeekStuff

rsync-commandrsync stands for Remote SYNC.

rsync is used to perform the backup operation in UNIX / Linux.

rsync utility is used to synchronize the files and directories from one location to another in an effective way. Backup location could be on local server or on remote server.

Important features of rsync

  • Speed: First time, rsync replicates the whole content between the source and destination directories. Next time, rsync transfers only the changed blocks or bytes to the destination location, which makes the transfer really fast.
  • Security: rsync allows encryption of data using ssh protocol during transfer.
  • Less Bandwidth: rsync uses compression and decompression of data block by block at the sending and receiving end respectively. So the bandwidth used by rsync will be always less compared to other file transfer protocols.
  • Privileges: No special privileges are required to install and execute rsync


$ rsync options source destination

Source and destination could be either local or remote. In case of remote, specify the login name, remote server name and location.
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